A strategic approach to writing

I approach each project with a simple strategy:  I ask questions. A lot of them.  

I will ask:

Am I nosy? Probably. But getting answers is a critical part of the writing process and helps ensure a successful finished product. When I know more about your audience and what you want to achieve, I can make the right choices about style and language, as well as order and emphasis.

  • WHO IS YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE? Who are these people and why do you want them to understand and/or embrace your message?      

  • WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? What do you want the audience to do/think/know after it has watched your video, listened to your speech, read your brochure, or browsed your website?

  • WHAT IS THE PAYOFF FOR THE AUDIENCE? I need to know what  the audience gains by absorbing the message I’ve written for you. I refer to this as the “what’s-in-it-for-me” factor. 